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Old 03-31-2015, 09:04 AM   #4
Carpe cigar!
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Default Re: Acquiring rare Bourbons - Any tips?

Originally Posted by kgoings View Post
I see lots of posts about PVW and Limited Edition this and Limited Edition that. How do you go about getting a bottle of these? Are there dates published when stuff will be shipped? Do you have to know your liquor store guys well?
You have got to know them BEYOND well . . . you have to be a personal friend or their best customer. They don't even know what their allocation will be, or even when it will come in (most of the time). And the allocation is usually small (only a few bottles) so that only their best friends or best customers will only get a bottle or two.

The next question is "at what cost?", because some of these liquor store owners will even gouge the price to the lucky ones that they offer it to (which is a damned shame!) Sometimes the shop owner just decides to be greedy and puts it out on the shelf to see what he can get, and we have a local store here that has every bottle of Pappy's right now in stock (@ $1,399 for the 20 year, $2,399 for the 23 yr, etc.)

If anybody here is willing to pay THAT, then I might consider selling a bottle or two!
Hey! How come "Habana" is written on here with a Sharpie ?!?
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