OK here is the situation:
I have 3 hygrometers:
#1 is a digital that I have checked with the salt test and it came out at 75% dead nuts. When I put this hygrometer in my humidor with 65% HF beads it reads right on at 65%.
#'s 2 and 3 are HydroSet II digital hygrometers which I recently bought. I salt tested both of them over the course of the past few days and have gotten them dialed in to 75% using the same salt test as I did #1. I am using this setup to do the test, a small glass dish with a clip-on lid that is airtight:
However, after calibrating them to 75% with the salt test, when I put either or both of the two new HydroSet hygrometers into the humidor right next to the one that I know is correctly calibrated, they both read 5 to 7 points lower than # 1. If I put any of them back into the salt test dish and wait, they all come right up to 75%.
Any ideas as to what may be going on here?