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Old 03-22-2015, 08:22 AM   #15
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Default Re: Best golf balls?

Originally Posted by coach View Post
Really depends on your play. If you have a Low HCP then Pro V's or Callaway Tour or a soft cover ball would do you well. If you are Mid HCP then a two or three piece ball with a soft cut-proof cover and solid center like NXT, Mojo. If you have a HIGH HCP then a Low Compression ball would be best along with 2 piece construction, Noodle or Lady Bridgestones are the best. For me I usually play Callaway Hot Shots and NXT's and I have a 19 HCP.

IMO you really don't heed to drop $45+ on a dz of balls unless you play the game 3-4x's a week and have good control of your game. I also have 2 sites that I get USED Golf Balls at nice prices....$9dz for Noodles, $28 for 3dz Callaways.
Good advice right there. I was somewhat kidding in my reply above. When I was playing 2 or 3 times a week back in the day I used the soft balata cover, but now the cover would be cut off after maybe 3 swings. LOL
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