Thread: New to Pipes
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Old 03-21-2015, 10:44 PM   #10
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Default Re: New to Pipes

Originally Posted by gravel View Post
its a bad idea to store your pipe tobacco with your cigars. I've safely kept PT in sample baggies while smoking it up, so it isn't always necessary to transfer bagged or tinned contents to mason jars if you are smoking frequently enough. If you are done sampling and want to move on, stick the remainder in a mason jar.

Here is some other good advice:
Pack less tobacco in your pipe. You don't need to stuff it full. You should experience a little resistance as you draw, but it shouldn't feel like a thick homemade milkshake.
Puff slowly and take time between puffs.
Don't fear relights. You don't need to worry about the pipe going out.
Tamp lightly. Sometimes a light tamp and steady puff will forestall a relight.

Enjoy the learning curve and ritual!
More great advice.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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