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Old 03-17-2015, 08:39 AM   #16
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Default Re: Shilala's Perfect Frigidaire Wine Fridge How To

Got the Fridge pretty much set up yesterday. Here are some pics. I used this to seal up the drain since I didn't have quick access to the putty Scott recommended:

I had to run the wire for the fans out the drain hole because mine doesn't have any other places to run it without drilling a hole somewhere up in the top so I ran it this way. The wires will be hidden by the drawers anyway:

Here are the fans installed and they work like a charm. I used three because Shilala said that even though he used two and it works fine if he ever builds out another one he would use three. I have learned over the years that if it's good enough for Scott then it's probably worth doing. The different color cable ties are because the nice black one's I bought were too big to fit through the mounts and I had these laying around:

I am now just giving it a couple days for the plugged drain to cure and also got a pound and a half of HCM beads from my vino. I have another pound on the way. As soon as all that comes together and I get my drawers back I will get it loaded up and see what happens.
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