Early 80s my best friends older brother would blast them on the Hi-Fi. I used to laugh and kid him that he sounded like a girl. A few years later i picked up Moving pictures, and have loved them since. Kids in high school would make fun of them, telling me they sucked and like a real band. Mind you this was during the early 90's with grunge just taking off. Years later and probably 30 or more shows, there music still is great to me. It's seen me through many times and changes in my life and will always be there, whether they are around or not. My first concert was in 89 for presto tour and i think the only Two i missed, was this pass one,Clockwork Angles, and Vapor trails tour. This is a song off of their last album that absolutely kicks butt. Crank it up and pound that steering wheel..lol
Any Rush Fans out there want latest Rush info.
THINKING BACK OVER MY LIFE, AND TELLING STORIES ABOUT MY "GREAT ADVENTURES" - they did't always feel that grand at the time. But on balance, I wouldn't change anything. In the words of one of our great alchemists, Friedrich Gruber, "I wish I could do it all again."
All the journeys
Of this great adventure
It didn't always feel that way
I wouldn't trade them
Because I made them
The best I could
And that's enough to say
Some days were dark
I wish that I could live it all again
Some nights were bright
I wish that I could live it all again
All the highlights of that headlong flight
Holding on with all my might
To what I felt back then
I wish that I could live it all again
I have stoked the fire on the big steel wheels
Steered the airships right across the stars
I learned to fight, I learned to love and learned to feel
Oh, I wish that I could live it all again
All the treasures
The gold and glory
It didn't always feel that way
I don't regret it
I never forget it
I wouldn't trade tomorrow for today
I learned to fight and learned to love and learned to steal
I wish that I could live it all again