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Old 03-01-2015, 06:06 PM   #76
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Default Re: no more?

Originally Posted by Zabhatton View Post
I was a former member there. My only regret is how I was established over there and now I have to start over again. I'm surey sentiments are shared by other members as well.

Oh well, such is the internet I suppose.
It is very frustrating and I certainly understand where you are coming from. When Club Stogie was sold, I was very anxious but since the same mods were there and Jon Caputo seemed enthusiastic about maintaining the CS culture, I relaxed. It turned out that the changes around what became were such that I was no longer comfortable there and so came over here.

I'm glad that reputation bumps here are not like at CS, because if you had a good circle of friends who had huge reputation numbers then you could quickly have huge numbers as well. I wasn't on the board long before I had huge numbers, mostly from friends in the banter thread. I like the system used here better, but still think that the system is inherently flawed because you can bump someone for just about anything, so a large ring gauge doesn't necessarily equate to cigar knowledge. That's the principle reason that mine is turned off.

I hope that you enjoy your stay in the asylum and that the style here meets your needs.
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~ Groucho Marx
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