Originally Posted by 8zeros
There was too much clutter over there for me so I never signed on. I also found the whole fish-sea thing a little silly.
I gather the guy was relatively young, with kids. I feel sorry for his family. I have a feeling there is not a pretty back story to this.
Anyways, it looks like it will be exiting for them over there for a while longer... puff on! 
Pvff.com was created as a business venture. Back in 2008 Jon Caputo bought up a number of forums (around 6 IIRC, some larger than others) and merged them into one giant forum in what appeared to be an attempt to dominate SEO rankings and sell advertising space. In the process, a number of good communities were essentially destroyed.
You can read the rest of it here:
I believe Caputo was in his mid-50's when he passed.