Oh Boy, a Beagle! We absolutely love ours. He's 8 years old and a part of our family. He is a pure breed. We got him at around 8 weeks from my idiot BIL who got him and then didn't want him. We've had him fixed, as he was trying to frig everything in sight. He's everything Scott said. He travels with us, lives with us, and is the first one to greet you when you get home. He will alert you of danger but would never, ever jump in to attack danger. He's a loud wuss. He absolutely hates squirrels and is most happy when I get one with the pellet gun. He is the most "dog" dog I've ever been around and I was raised with all types of dogs. He buries bones (and anything else), listens to commands, sleeps in a dog bed and in a dog house, chases vermin, howls at trains, loves squeaky toys and balls, loves to go on the leash for walks, to be washed, travel in a car, etc. His name is Fritz. He's at home right now sitting on the back porch watching the bird feeders for a squirrel. I guarantee it!!