Thread: Yuengling!
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Old 02-25-2015, 09:54 AM   #28
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: Yuengling!

Originally Posted by Byaah View Post
I want to just clarify encase someone misunderstood me, I was just nudging the convo back to the topic with some humor and dodge the road we were going down with some people lol. Just didn't want it getting out of hand <3

I love the advice drink what you like, like what you drink.
I don't think anyone took offense. And there's no need to apologize because someone else is being rude and insulting about a beer. Hell, I drink everything from Guinness (LOVE it!) to my own homebrew, from fancy-ass microbrews to Old Milwaukee Light. If you enjoy it, drink it, and if someone wants to be a jerk about that then their parents should have smacked some manners into them.
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