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Old 02-20-2015, 09:34 AM   #7
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Default Re: Considering getting a puppy

Originally Posted by Dave128 View Post

1. We both work 45 minutes away from home and wouldn't be able to get home during the day to take the puppy out for a bathroom break. I'm positive this would result in the little critter having to wallow in its own junk for most of the day and then having to clean the cage/pup every evening when we get home from work. How have others handled this?
We did not have your constrictions. My wife only works 3 days a week, every other week, that is on the weekend. So she was home a lot, if she wasn't, I work about 15 minutes from work, door to door, so I would go home every couple hours to let the dog out of the crate during house training, extending that time as he aged.

Originally Posted by Dave128 View Post

2. We both feel that it might be less than ideal for the puppy to be left alone in a crate for the entire day. Should we feel this way?
Yes, I think that is less than ideal and would not recommend it. Do you have the option of a doggie daycare?

Puppies are A LOT of work. They are a pain in the ass, truth told. For all the great things about them, mostly just being damn cute, there is the constant training. I have always said that it is the 2nd worst part of dog ownership. The fact that we generally outlive our furry family members and that is the worst.

I’ve had dogs my entire life for the most part. My parents always had a dog and I’ve had 5 of my own as an adult. Crate trained my last 2 puppies. Have had 2 rescues, one VERY BAD experience and one great. Personally I’m a bigger fan of getting a puppy.

Best of luck, whatever you decide, even if that includes not getting a dog. They are the best & A LOT of work!
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