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Old 02-19-2015, 11:39 AM   #1
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Default Advice from the Handy people

Okay, I aint very handy when it comes to fixing things. I have a refrigerator, regular old deal with top freezer 18.2 Cubic foot GE. It has been a good one since it's 18 years old. My dilemma is this: It's probably got a frozen or stopped up drain line since there is water in the bottom regularly and it will seep out onto the floor. It also doesn't seem to be cooling as good as it once did. It does keep things cold enough. We don't have an icemaker in it but use the old school ice trays and dump three or four in a bin in the door, and the ice in that bin seems it melts just enough to let all the ice cubes stick together.

I see that getting the drain line cleared isn't that big of a deal but I don't think that the cooling problem is related to the drain line. But I aint no handyman either.

My appliance guy said it was $85.00 to clean out/defrost the drain line, but at 18 years old if the cooling problem won't be fixed with the drain line being cleared then I don't care to put any more money in it. It's only around $700 to replace it with an Whirlpool 19.2 cubic foot one from home depot.

What yall say? TIA
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