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Old 02-18-2015, 07:36 PM   #53
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: Scotch's that wont break the bank

Originally Posted by wdwkelly View Post
Evidence..... There is a great youtube site.."ralfy" he is from scotland..Hell have all the answers you'll ever need to hear. As for Me? I was stationed at Lakenheath AFB from 1992-1995 Even though it was England, I learned a lot about Scotch. The only folks that drank blends then, over there.. were folks that just didn't have a lot of$$ Single malts were popular..but NOT near as popular as today, Especially peated scotch from Isaly and Campbeltown.
I have gone back to the U.K. every few years ever since..and really...the only dynamic that has changed is the immense popularity of Islay scotch....and for good reason.. Look at it this way.....those cigars you can get at a filling station....we all know they aren't premium sticks....blends are kinda like those station cigars. But, it you ever want to venture to Islay or Speyside....Campbeltown...i've been there on the dime of the U.S. Air Force...and single malts are the only game in town.
Enjoy what you want... but seriously..listen to ralfy..he is quite the character....but so in the loop.
Someone mentioned expensive Johnny Walker....well...some gurkhas are expensive....but they are still rubbish.

Goodness....Time to move on.. Drink those blends....someone has to.
Some of us can appreciate a good single malt AND appreciate a good quality blend. It's not an either/or situation, at least to the non-snobs.
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