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Old 02-11-2015, 11:45 AM   #10
Ain't Never Gonna Leave
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

You know, we could talk about the crappy cigars in Thompson's catalog. We could talk about the crappy cigars sold at the local gas station, book store, and head shop.

We could lambast the "idiots" out there smoking dog rockets.

Why would we? Someone is smoking cigars! You and I may not like them, might even think they are crap! THAT IS OUR OPINION!!!

As part of the Embarrass Fire Department, when we have our regular meetings, there is a lunch served following. There is always beer available. OK, they call the available swill, and it is labeled, beer (ACCORDING TO MY OPINION). My thoughts about what constitutes drinkable beer puts me in the minority at fire meetings. And, when it is my turn to serve, and I bring some decent beer along, I am told how my beer tastes like crap.

Bud Light outsells Ale Asylum Ambergeddon a gadzillion to one.
Swishers outsell Arturo Fuente Heminway Short Stories a gadzillion to one.
Carter Hall outsells McClelland Beacon Extra (pipe tobaccos) a gadzillion to one.
American Cheese (processed garbage) outsells real cheese a gadzillion to one.

I may scratch my head over every single one of these (and I could probably come up with a gadzillion more) examples, but that's the way it is. I/We could write it off to poor taste, but wouldn't that be pretty arrogant on my/our part?

It is different tastes, different strokes for different folks.

I am not a big Viaje fan. (Ducking and running before the fallout hits) Does that make me an idiot in someone's eyes? I hope not! Does it mean I have different tastes than someone else? You betcha!

Personally, I am grateful there are gadzillions of people out there who are buying Swishers, Don Scoundrels, AyC, White Owls, Gurkhas, Viajes, and all sorts of "crap" cigars.


So that they are not buys gadzillions of the cigars I like, making them hard to find and driving up the prices to astronomical proportions. Hey, I already lived through the boom of the 1990s when that happened - do not want to repeat that.

Hey, live and let live....
Smoke what you like, and enjoy it...

Peace of the Lord be with you.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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