Originally Posted by irratebass
Spoil away.......people can enter at their own risks
I'm irritated that the decided to take out a veteran survivor of a zombie apocalypse with a dumb situation like that. He would know better to clear a room, hell a whole house before deciding to stare at pictures on a wall. I understand they were trying to show he'd "given up"... but after all the years that crap would be ingrained in him, especially since the safety of the other guy with him would be on the line.
Then sending to get help rather than lopping that arm right off immediately?
Then no tourniquet after they finally do lop off the arm?
The whole hallucinating dead people for an hour just seemed like their way of trying to give him a whole hour long send-off... but I would have really rather it had been a quick and brutal death (like Beth), but somewhat logical given his proven ability to survive. They didn't need to drag out the send-off, they needed to make it a little less dumb a mistake.