Made my first purchase with Thompson last month. It was a box at a good price and I'm pleased with the purchase.
However, their catalog came in the mail today. I really don't understand it. I thought CI & JR spent a lot of pages advertising crap cigars, but Thompson takes the cake.
Swishers, Phillies & Backwoods adorn the
cover of the catalog.

The catalog cover features gas station cigars?
Inside there are a couple pages of Fuentes and then it goes right into page after page of super cheap junk, most of which I've never heard of: Cosechero, VSOP, Hacienda Rio, Scoundrels, Explorers... then a couple of pages of Hoyo and Davidoff.. then back to Iguanas, DSR Reserves, Don Osvaldo, 829s, Palma Real, Escudo Cubano, Factory Fresh..
The centerfold features Marsh Wheeling, Black & Mild, Panter, Captain Black, White Owl.. followed by Leprechauns, Wildes, Trader Jacks, Al Capone, Flor de Filipinas, Krome, Good Days Rejects... etc. etc. etc.
A few pages of RyJ and La Gloria Cubana, and then the back cover finishes up with more Swishers and some $1 Antonio y Cleopatras.
I don't understand. Why would they put so much effort into marketing cigars via catalog which people can buy at the local liquor store if they're so inclined? Are these super-cheapos even bigger cash cows than Gurkahs?
The wikipedia article on Thompson says, "Thompson Cigar caters to a 69%, more affluent, male demographic.[7]" I'm not entirely sure what the 69% refers to, but it seems that affluent males wouldn't be purchasing White Owls.
Me very confused.