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Old 02-03-2015, 06:58 PM   #8
Formerly MarkinOR
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Default Re: Can a person truly be happy remaining single his whole life?

The divorce rate statistic is meaningless. There was a stat floating around a number of years ago, indicating that 19% of married men do not cheat on their wives. I'm still one of those 19 percenters. My theory is, if you're gonna cheat, then you shouldn't be getting married to begin with.

If you've found your soul mate brother, then you're set for the rest of your life. Even then, its gonna be a growing experience with the passing of each year.

Then you also gotta look at the tax issues. If you and your soul mate remain un-married, you get a better deal filing at the single rate (but you should check with your tax person on this too).

As Michael (CigarNut) indicated, the answer is "yes." Do not let peer pressure you in to anything "you" do not want to do. Be yourself and stay involved in projects you enjoy and with others
"Don't worry, God will work out His plan for your life..." Psalm 138 8
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