Originally Posted by The.Sheepdog
Sorry. I have chronic diverticulosis and almost bled out a couple of times. I think it's one of those things you get if the world doesnt figure out a sooner way to take you down. My dr said nothing about any of that stuff. Im supposed to try to stay calm (not happening much) and not eat certain things like nuts and corn. Was last in the hospital in Sept. I got deductions a plenty for this tax year!
Now to go smoke a bowl of something nice in the Comoys! 
Yeah, that's what I have! I was last in in June. I had a quick bleed and it stopped but they kept me a few days just in case. That's when my doc took me off that stuff. The first time, in 2010, they removed two feet of colon. You might want to ask about it. My doc didn't say anything about corn and he wants me to eat nuts (chewed well) and other fiber sources, just not "pointy" things.
Oh, I haven't gotten the Comoy's yet, It'll have to wait a while, I spent some money on some Margate.