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Old 01-29-2009, 08:38 AM   #16
Gramps 4x's
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Default Re: Leave it to me to break another Apple device


Problem solved.

What consoles me is I know I am not the only one that went through this issue.
Found a couple of threads on this in the Mac Forum but had no solutions.

Went to the Best Buy store and waited for them to open.
There is a guy sitting there, that doesn't even work with phones.
Thought he did when I got there so I started talking to him and he patiently listened.
Seems the phone didn't work and suddenly, it worked again.

Well, what a dumb answer to all this.
Whenever I went horizontal, with the phone sort of flat, it doesn't work.
It is designed to work when at an ANGLE!!!

So, the guy quickly fixed the problem and off I went, into the sunset.
Oh what a goose I am.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian
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