01-05-2015, 11:48 AM
Ain't Never Gonna Leave
Join Date: Oct 2008
First Name: Todd
Location: Northcentral woods of Wisconsin
Posts: 6,873
Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Originally Posted by The.Sheepdog
Comoys came in! Lovely grain too. Class act this pipe. I put in some of the new shipment Peter: St luxury Bulls Eye Flake. It looks like a bag of sliced pepperoni!  First time I have gotten tobacco like this.
I cleaned the pipe with a pipe cleaner a little and shred up a pepperoni slice and just stuffed it in the bowl lightly. Didnt really know how to do this. It lit easily and the bowl smoked cool and stayed lit for me. Just lucky this time I guess!
I was told I would probably like this based on what I smoke and I do! Thanks for the hints Rev! I smoked blissfully for an hour plus and to me found this mixture to demand my smoking it slowly. Hot box it and it gets the back of your throat!
I think it smells great. It sure tastes great. Hints of Honey maybe? New favorite! The pipe too!
[IMG]  [/IMG]
Nice looking pipe.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"