Re: whats you take dip or no dip?
I cannot believe the negative comments about this, WOW!!!
I am reminded of the guy fishing in the stream down from me one day. He comes into the water looking like a Cabelas advertisement, decked out to the hilt - including new Orivis fly rod outfit. After loosing a couple flies in the trees beside the stream and watchig me catch a couple Steelhead, he comments to me, "Catching Steelhead with anything other than a fly rod is just unsporting, the DNR should make the spring Steelhead run, fly fishing only."
I pulled in my line and showed him that I was indeed fly-fishing (my bait was a egg-sucking-leech pattern fly), only I was using a spinning rod which allowed me to work that particular narrow stream a little easier.
He informed me that using a fly without a fly rod was not acceptable. To which I just laughed
I tell the story to bring up the same thing about the dipped cigars. Write it off as different strokes for different folks. I have had a number of freinds from Germany who were at a Pastor's conference with me a couple years back, who like to dip their cigars. In talking with them, I was led to believe it was a European thing. I did try it. It really doesn't change the flavor of the smoke all that much, but if you don't like the taste of the cigar in your mouth as the end gets moist, the dipping changes that flavor - at least that is what I was informed. I have tried it, and it sin't bad, but I kind of like a cigar's flavor in my mouth.
One of the positives was this. If your drink has a short finish that is overpowered by your cigar, this does allow a greater melding of those flavors of drink and cigars. I have on occasion dipped my cigar in a lighter cognac or scotch to accentuate those flavors with my cigar. It is a quidk dip in the liquor, not a lingering stir, so the flavor doesn't last all that long - a few draws at most, certainly not a whole third of the cigar.
I certainly didn't notice a change in the cigar's flavor.
I did try it once with a cheap cigar I was given at a party - when I left mine at home because I thought we wouldn't be allowed to smoke. It didn't change the flavor enough to make it a palatable smoke, so I only had about a third of it. The only way that dipping a cigar in my drink made a real difference was with the second cheap cigar forced upon me that night - when I simply kept dipping it and chewing on it, never lighting it.
Hey, before we brush something off as inappropriate or just in poor taste, try it, you might find it an interesting experiment.
Hey, living up here in America's Dairyland, I have always wondered --- who decided to grab those muddy teets hanging under a cow and decide that was a good place to grab something to drink? Yet, nothing nicer than milk on my wheaties.
I like my Single Malt neat and my beers without fruit. I also like my premium hand-rolled stick straight up, but if someone else likes it different, what skin is it off my nose?
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"