Thread: Black Garlic
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Old 12-30-2014, 08:32 AM   #31
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Default Re: Black Garlic

Originally Posted by mk05 View Post they got a hundred years head start being able to use it with mastery. This is like rolling your eyes at people using gunpowder vs bows and arrows. Or rolling your eyes at Copernicus or the guy who discovered that the world is round. Or a German rolling his eyes at the English because Shakespeare just discovered some words several hundred years ago. But this isn't the point, the point is that all you need is to relate and associate, and open your mind to new ideas.
No, I was rolling my eyes at you. Not them.

Moses hit the nail on the head, umami had been there all along, it just needs to be pointed out. Prior to the invention of the the word by the man who isolated msg as a way to describe the specific flavor sensation it creates, everything was just lumped in under "savory".

Once it's pointed out, it's amazing how fast people look back and go "oh, I've always wondered what that flavor / sensation was"
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