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Old 12-27-2014, 03:35 PM   #1557
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by pektel View Post
So I bought a cheap bottle of Evan Williams to spritz the ham I cooked on Christmas.

Way tastier than That Jack Daniels crap. And half the price.

I wouldn't drink it neat, but I have Eagle Rare or Bulleit for that.

I've turned a few Jack drinkers on to Evan Williams. I did a blind taste test with a friend about seven years ago. He'd been a Jack drinker for 25 years and was stunned when he picked the EW. I said "half the price and just as nice".

I drink it on the rocks after I've already had a couple of something else and my sense of taste is getting impaired.
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