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Old 12-25-2014, 08:48 AM   #2
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Default Re: Got my Behmor 1600 plus for Xmas


I use 1/2 gal glass mason jars for storing green beans. They're airtight, only about $1-2 / jar by the flat of 6 and the lid (disk) is cheap and easy to find when you need to replace the seals. IIRC each jar holds about 2.5-3 lbs of beans, which is a bit much for your current 1lb samplers, but will be good if you start buying in larger 5# bags. Keep them in a cool, dark cabinet and they'll be fine for months.

When you go to buy beans, IMO, don't buy more than you can use in 3-4 months (or less), and only roast what you can drink in 4-6 days.

Can't help you on the behmor specific tips, as I have a different machine (iRoast-I)
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