Thread: opinion please
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Old 12-20-2014, 10:00 AM   #17
Just an old Wiseguy!
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Default Re: opinion please

Originally Posted by DaBear View Post
They're honestly better fresh. I tried to hide one away for a few months when they first came out and it had lost that sweetness I loved.
For what it's worth, I have many Opus-X in my stash. I have not bought any in at least 3 years. Most of what I have are 5 yo and older. I have 9 left that are from 1997, the first year of the official public release. 5 of those are my favorite Petite Lancero.

DaBear is correct, in part. Opus-X are generally very good when young, the spiciness if sweeter and the other flavors are brighter. I've always suggested they be smoked within the first 6 months. Afterward, they should be allowed to rest for at least 2 1/2 to 3 years, at which time they become very interesting smokes. Usually, very spicy and full of deep flavors. After 5 years or so, they become more mellow all around, however, they are still very full of subtle flavor notes.
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