Dating a co-worker
So I'm a little over 2 months into a separation with my wife with a divorce in progress and there is this woman whom I have worked with for several years that I am starting to really want to date. We seem to connect on an emotional level, but I've always been tied up in marriage.
I think she is interested, but sometimes not so sure. We've hung out a few times on a purely friendly basis, hiking, car shopping, etc., which honestly isn't the best start of a relationship with someone you wish to be more than just friends with, but considering my divorce and our work relationship, it felt like the right way to approach it to start.
Anyways, we work in very close proximity to one another, but we don't work directly with each other on projects or anything. Normally I would not date someone from work and this would be the first time I ever tried. What are some of your opinions on this subject? I read an interesting statistic that 40% of people have dated someone from work.