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Old 12-16-2014, 05:19 PM   #11
Ain't Never Gonna Leave
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Default Re: What's your preference?

If we were to get technical, an English blend is anything without a topnote/flavoring/casing. However, it has come to mean anything with Latakia in it., and as such, Balkan blends would be English blends. Balkans have a large percentage of Oriental tobaccos in them, as well as a nice touch of Latakia. Orientals mean they are predominantly made up of Oriental tobaccos, although a touch of Burley or even Virgiinia might make it into the blend.

I would list the different genres of tobacco blends in these categories:
Latakia blends (what many would call English blends - after Latakia, there may be Virginia, Oriental, Burley, Cavendish, and even Perique in the blend)
Oriental blends (Orientals predominate, other tobaccos may be involved, no Latakia)
Burley blends (Burleys predominate other tobaccos may be involved, no Latakia)
Virginias (only Virginias and possibly a touch of Burley are used in these blends)
VaPers (Virginias & Perique, only)
Aromatics (blends that have been given an obvious flavoring to what is usually a burley predominating tobacco.)

Yes, we could get quite persnickety and try to even further deliniate the types of blends, and if you care to do so, know that what I have listed is only my own way of classifying them, so by all means, come up with your own.

Now, I have watched a few pipe smokers in my day, and while it is not always true, I have seen a progression in many of them, some have commented that it is a way of maturing. I am not sure that is true, but I have seen the progression often enough that I believe it to be something very common, I seemed to follow it as well. Here is the progression:

Pipesters seem to always start out with aromatic, if they branch out from there, they dabble with "English" blends and maybe Orientals, they then flow into Burley/Virginias/Vapers. If you notice the trend is from tobaccos with flavors added, then to bold flavored tobaccos, and finally to tobaccos with flavors best contemplated for their subtleties - VAs for their natural sweetness, Burleys for their nutty character, and VaPers for their natural sweetness with just a touch of spice/prunes.

Pipesterx can fall into any one of those categories at any time, others remain rather ecclectic.

Now, I suppose I was to answer the question, what is my preference. I apologize for my long-winded, bombastic reply.

I prefer VAs and VaPers, I might dip into an English blend upon occasion, or even an aromatic done with a light hand. I do avoid Burley and Oriental blends like the plague.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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