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Old 12-03-2014, 09:08 AM   #178
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Default Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by Victor808 View Post
I really wish this midseason had ended stronger. I kind of felt like they really didn't accomplish much after that butt-kicking start.

I mean.... the first 3 episodes were strong finishes to the terminus theme ... between carol's rambo moves in episode 1 to Rick's executioner style in episode 3 there was a lot of action and tension.

But then... we had to fiddle around with beth's situation in episode 4, Eugene's big lie in episode 5, Carol and Darryl's big adventure in episode 6 (ok, that one was really good anyway...) and then episode 7 to bring them to a common point so episode 8 could be executed.

With all the buildup to bring it together, I just was hoping for a bit more. Maybe the problem was they never really fleshed out the hospital group much. There weren't enough identifiable characters, no reason to hope for any particular outcome. I didn't wish dawn dead or alive...
I kinda liked Dawn and thought she could have been swayed to be a better person with Rick's group.

According to Kirkman, some big changes are coming this next season (not sure if he meant the rest of this season or next), but he kind of hinted about Maggie and how she will deal with this, and there is supposedly another foe coming that is supposed to be worse than the governor....he also hinted that they will be out of the Atlanta region soon.

I personally thought it was a good season & I enjoyed the mid-season finale.
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