Originally Posted by irratebass
It was a weird episode, but there was a lot going on and it was very interesting to me
I think when Darryl says "Come on out" I think that is a a flashback or a Quentin Tarantino type skip around, I think somehow Darryl & Carol hear the gunshots from Beth & "Chris Rock" they meet up with "Chris" and they set up a plan to have Carol get into the Hosp to save Beth, then all hell breaks loose.
Someone mentioned to me that the next episode will all be about the other group (Mullet, Glen, Maggie & the Commando guy) I tend to believe that. we shall see this Sunday, but I don't think we are going to get a conclusion to the "Beth situation" just yet......stay tuned true believers.
Well damn, I was WAY off......how about that Ambulance scene tho eh?