Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz
Problem solved. A little bailing wire, duct tape and TLC and I'm back in business.
Anybody need their Dunhill refurbished? I'm competitive on pricing. Thanks for looking 
Frank N Pipe there lol... how does it smoke?..
Anyway really not that I would repair and charge someone for such the repair I did on my pipe but I have had it smoking this way for a few years now. I smoke as much as 3 bowls a day in this pipe and haven't had a problem....
However this month I did buy a pipe ok a few Grabows to add to my little collection of Dr. Grabow that is right now 37, would have been 40 but passed 3 on to another. Well this last 8 I bought 6 of them are different shape wire carved Belvi's and one of them just happens to be like my Keywoodie, same shape and good smoker, so I may smoke the KW only a couple times a week now and let it have some rest.