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Old 11-10-2014, 10:11 AM   #4055
Suck It
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Default Re: Photography Thread

I have to say, Azar, I went over a LOT of options for you for lenses that are sharper, but for wildlife photography,
ON A NIKON D50!...those pics are fine. Pics can always be sharper, either from more expensive lenses or using
extreme shot discipline when you fire the shutter, to using a tripod or monopod when you shoot. What is going to hold
you back specifically on these long distance shots is crop-able resolution. I think. So while I would think hard about a
16 or 24MP body to give you that cropping leeway, I would try a few tricks to make my shots crisper that don't cost anything
while I am thinking about it. But I also mailed you a 5hit-ton of links to the kinds of camera bodies that will give you
the extra resolution, but also safely mount some really cheap, old sharp lenses. Because back in olden tymes, like
when I was in High school, people STILL wanted sharp photos. This is not a new thing. So those OLD lenses, short of
advanced coatings and special glass/special-shape elements, still have a lot of good shots to give up. Most Nikon
users can't use them without damaging the lens mount feelers. The cameras I linked you to all WILL mount them
without damage. SO think about all that. Possible upgrades, definite trigger discipline on the shutter, and some
support if you are not using it now.

There are also things to remember when judging your own work. Since you are likely shooting out of a truck,
or some transpo, remember that something called "seeing conditions" also hurts you when you are not RIGHT
there near the deer in a blind. Heat shimmer, airborne particulates, several things will make your view less effective.
That and a shutter speed at LEAST 1/400th at 200mm and 1/500th when at 300mm. The higher you push the
shutter speed, the less perceived blur will arise from your body/camera's lens swaying imperceptibly back and forth.

Last edited by OLS; 11-10-2014 at 10:17 AM.
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