Thread: Perdomo 12 Year
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Old 10-21-2014, 03:42 PM   #9
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Default Re: Perdomo 12 Year

Originally Posted by Brian D. View Post
Rob, I'm just sort of a jaded person when it comes to product advertising, I try not to let it make me flat-out cynical.
I don't blame you. When you're paying as much as you are for some sticks, I often wonder what really makes a $15-$20 cigar versus a $5 dollar cigar and what my money is actually paying for. For example, I know Camacho has a stick with pre-embargo tobacco in it. How much, though? Who knows... According to their description it contains "a significant portion of authentic pre-embargo Cuban tobacco" in the filler. Are they lying? Probably not. Ambiguous amount of pre-embargo tobacco? Certainly!

In the case of Gurkha as you previously stated, I think it comes from overly excessive presentation. If they put as much effort into their blends as they did to their boxes and band designs, I think they'd be be able to justify their ridiculous MSRPs...but I digress.
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