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Old 10-13-2014, 02:23 PM   #15
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Default Re: CIGAR Tour Cuba Travel

For cigar enthusiasts, that does look like the best official tour I've seen. I have been to Cuba on my own and HIGHLY recommend that people should go, it's a truly unique place. Only you can answer if a tour is the answer. For me, no way because I don't like being tied to schedules and feel like I'm being shepherded places in a big bus. I have no problem if someone prefers taking a tour and letting all the details be taken care of, but that's not me.

You said you've never traveled until recently. How about taking your travel experience that you have gained recently, and trying something out on your own now? Just look at that itinerary and do the things that sound interesting, and then leave the other time on just relaxing and seeing the sights on your time/dime?

Looking at that itinerary, I did a lot of it on my own... I read a Hemingway book while relaxing at the Ambos Mundos hotel, ate at El Aljibe, toured cigar factories, toured Plaza de Revolucion, went out to Robaina's farm, went to Vinales, the LCDH in Miramar etc. But there are so many other things you can see and do, especially cigar related. Just picture going to all the different LCDH shops in Havana, searching through boxes and boxes looking to see what gems you can find. Enjoying coffee and cigars in the shops not having to be shoulder to shoulder with tour people and then being told when to go...

Havana is one of the best cities to simply "get lost" in and walk around taking in the sights on your time. I literally stood on a residential corner taking video of all the old-school 50's cars driving by, it blew me away as I didn't realize how many there would be. The buildings have character and you can't experience it sitting in a bus.

Anyways, if it's a tour or nothing, this one looks great. There are others that will show you more of Cuba, but this one looks great for the cigar enthusiast. But, I would highly recommend going on your own.
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