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Old 10-13-2014, 07:26 AM   #4036
Suck It
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Default Re: Photography Thread

Looks like I was there, Ron....this year however, I am going with a plan to have all the trees RETAIN
their leaves over the winter, then on one day in February, all the leaves can blow away at one time in a
far more organized manner. I might not even have to rake if it blows hard enough.

Everyone knows I love a cheap camera, but I recently found out the literal interpretation of a
concept I had read several times before and never grasped. I was shooting in yet another dark bar over
the weekend, and I had my ISO set to 5000, too high, but I needed the gain badly. I just bought a friend
a Nikon D3200 because he wanted badly to be able to shoot the same kinds of things that I am into these
days. I told him that was the best he was going to do for now, High ISO is expensive in current-gen cameras.
He lucked into this one for $225.

But he only had a D200, which might as well be blind at night. Great camera, feature-packed, but incapable of
high ISO settings. I had read Ken Rockwell saying dozens of times "this entry-level camera does not allow you
to adjust ISO in 1/2 or 1/3 stops." Ehh, whatever.....I don't even know what that MEANS to be perfectly honest.

So as my friend was struggling in this bar light, I told him to just go to ISO 5000 and his camera would be fine.
He said "I don't HAVE a 5000" I said "Sure you do..." and took it from him and only then, after years of reading
the same thing on all these cheaper Nikons, did I see what that meant. He did not have 4000, 5000, none of my
staple settings for difficult light. He had 3200 and 6400, and I knew that 6400 was going to be a noise-fest. 3200
and 6400.....not enough and too much. Thanks a lot. So I told him to hold at 3200 and be VERY STILL when you
shoot a pic. I realize now that was probably bad advice. But a man needs to suffer a few bad nights to understand
what his camera will do and what it will not.

Never having really BOUGHT a "cheap Nikon", I had no idea that all cameras did not have half and 1/3 stops
where mine did. That was a funny moment Friday night, when I finally saw the meaning of it all.
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