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Old 10-08-2014, 10:57 AM   #65
Buckeye Jack
Havana Daydreamin'
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Default Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

15 months now and don't regret it at all. Here is my setup:

- OTA antenna on the roof

- I have a basic $45/month internet bill thru TW

- I pay $14 a month for a tivo subscription which I have a roamio and a mini. We use those as our main guide and DVR so that we can watch network shows we record on either the main TV or the cigar room TV where we are at 5-7 nights a week after the kids go to bed. We could probably get by with just the main DVR but the mini has a lifetime subscription so no extra.

- Netflix streaming subscription - $8/month

- 2 Apple TV's to watch netflix (could watch on tivo box but the interface is so much better on the ATV's)

- We also buy a seasons worth of about 2 or 3 shows from itunes (SoA, Justified, was Breaking Bad). Cost of those are about a month and a halfs worth of what we were paying for on DirecTV.

So in total I pay about $22 a month for TV. I don't consider the internet price because we would have it regardless. The initial setup fee is a bit higher but that was paid off in the first 6 months of cutting the cord.

The only sports I really watch is college football, and I get my fulfillment with what already comes in OTA. I miss baseball at times.
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