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Old 10-06-2014, 12:50 PM   #51
Sexy Dave
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Default Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by pnoon View Post
Actually three of them. Me, my wife, and my son.
Verizon offering $200 trade in value for each of our 4S phones sure helped.
Did the exact same thing this weekend - three iPhone 6's (Me, my wife and my FIL) - and got the same $200 trade in deal. AT&T also threw in a LG Tablet for $0.99 ($250 value). It'll use the data off of our cell plan for an extra $10 a month.

The phones will be delivered to my house with no need to go back to the AT&T store for the data conversion from our 4 to the 6. Does anyone know how to get all of the info safely off of my 4 (I don't believe I'm using the Cloud in any way)? I know I have to load the files to my computer, but have no idea how to go about that.

Any ideas or detailed instructions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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