So a couple of weeks ago a friend of mine that I used to smoke Cigars with every now and again contacted me after a while with some issues in his life and just life in mine. Says hey James when you coming back to smoke these Cigars you left in my stash. I thought about it for a moment and had to ask? "What cigars do I still have there?" 2 Taboo, 4 Pardons 2 Gurkha and 1 Blue DPG. He was nice enough to ship them back to me, I had totally forgot about Taboo cigars. Anyway today I had to light one up and my Wife after a few draws of mine was like light up the other for me.

Anyway my Cigar for today was what I called the Barber poll Taboo. They had to have been resting since 2008 because I haven't bought any since and I moved in Jan 09. Only remember sharing a few with others back then and for every one I would pass around I would smoke 2 lol. Anyone smoke these still today or are they a thing of the Past?