Does your carrier have a Family Share plan?
We have 4 phones, 3 with data, share 10GB (which is way more than enough) and my bill is under $160 now whereas it used to be $230ish.
The 3rd phone could share data as well if my brother would pony up for a smartphone.
All 3 iphones have the personal hotspot enabled, unlimited pics and text and long distance.
It's not a bad deal, and there are even better out there.
I think Sprint has a $100 20GB share plan, and they have an unlimited plan, too. I was looking it over the other day and looked careful enough to find out it was for the "first year". Rates weren't posted for the second year of the 2-year plan. And their deals on phones were pretty bad, but if you brought your smartphones over and just bought your own phones as necessary, it might be a decent deal. Just be careful with them.

I saw on tv that Walmart has a $34 plan, I'm not sure what that was about, but I think it was data and all the fluff, per phone. That may be worth a look, too
I checked the Walmart plan. It sucks.
Unlimited is 2.5GB at 3g speed, then 2g thereafter. Unlimited calling is between 2 phones. Phone A and phone B in the plan. So I could talk and text one person on my plan, then I'd have to pay for all texts to anyone else. (As best as I could understand the small type.)
That's just great. Walmart.