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Old 09-18-2014, 09:25 PM   #32
Dude Here
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Default Re: Wife asks, 'Why don't you open a cigar shop?'

There are three shops right near my house and all of them do fairly well.

First is Spec's, which is really wine/beer/liquor mega store. Their humidor is pretty good sized but mostly carries the "standard" brands (Fuente, Perdomo, RP etc.) However, they're the only shop in the area that stocks Liga Privada, both #9 and T52. They've also got the best prices on the standard stock. There are a few downsides though. First, there's really only two guys who work there who know anything about cigars and the humidor tends to be a bit messy just from the amount of traffic that wandesr in and out. Since it's a chain store there's NEVER any sales on the cigars. Also, since it's really a liquor store there's no lounge or anywhere to enjoy your new purchases at. But, it is convenient being able to grab a smoke or two then walk 50ft over to the bourbons and scotches.

Next is Cigar Depot. It's the smallest of the shops, just a hole in the wall in an older strip mall. The humi isn't anything special and has a kind of cold, surgical room feel to it. Decent selection and the prices aren't too bad. Gary, the owner, is the only one I've ever seen working there and he's a fountain of knowledge when it comes to cigars. The "lounge" is just a couple of easy chairs right by the front door. This place really only sells cigars. There's a small selection of cigs and some tins of pipe tobacco, but cigars are the main focus here.

Lastly, there's Pipe World. This is my favorite shop of the three and I tend to visit here about once a week even though Spec's is less than 2 miles from my front door. Good sized humidor that is packed from floor to ceiling. Awesome selection of sticks and it's constantly rotating. No Liga Privada, but lots of boutique and small batch brands in addition to the standard stock. If there's a new release or new brand coming out, chances are Pipe World will have it in stock shortly after. Also the only shop that hosts events and giveaways. Prices tend to be a bit higher, but the sales here are great. They'll toss whole boxes of smokes into the clearance baskets and mark them 30-40% off, in addition to the 10% a membership gives. There are several employees in addition to the owners and they're all very knowledgeable about the products they sell. The owners are also very open to suggestions on new lines to carry. The lounge isn't great, but it works. Just some easy chairs stuffed into an alcove by the register. Pipe World is also the sort of catch all shop that the others here are suggesting. They sell cigars, knives, cigs, e-cigs, hookahs, nick-knacks like wind chimes and, of course, pipes. Lots and lots of pipes. This place is always busy and the events get pretty crowded.

Anyway, I typed all that not to brag about what I have available to me but to give you three different, and rather distinct, styles of shop you could look into. Granted, none of them serve alcohol except for Pipe World, but they don't sell any alcohol just give out bottles of beer or glasses of whiskey during their events.
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