Re: Wife asks, 'Why don't you open a cigar shop?'
It's quite the undertaking but I wish you the best at it...
As others have stated, It really all comes down to what your local gov will allow, once you know that it is really all about knowing your clientele and and targeting your business toward them...
I would suggest, If it were my money, opening up a less specific business that gars can become a part of, and then as your customer base grows you can grow the cigar part of it as well...
Seeing as you already have bar experience, and if the law will allow it, perhaps open up a regular lounge bar with a little closet humidor first, then if you are seeing enough return on your investment in your cigar sales you can move the humidor into a room as your customers interests, and your wallet, grows...
By not starting specifically with cigars in mind, in the event of failure of adequate cigar sales, you can then fall back on your primary product (alcohol/coffee) if interest is not enough to keep the doors open... Also by diversifying your products you might guard against seasonal changes in business... i.e. no rough winters when no one is buying cigars because the weather isn't good enough to smoke them...
Just random food for thought, Hope it works out for you...