Thanks for weighing in, John!!!
I was talking with a couple of our guys on this a little more...
In order to make this fly, we really need to get the guys who are playing to become more immersed at CA, even if it's just checking this thread daily. (That's all we really need to make the pass work.)
At this point, Matt and Stephen aren't playing, and Travis, Scott, Mike, and Cole seldom visit CA at all. I haven't even heard back from Travis with his phone number.
It's not a problem if the guys don't visit CA and check in on this thread, although it's gonna cut into the troop smokes. That is what it is, though. Anything we can gather for the troops is positive.
So long as the guys are all watching their teams and stay on top of them, I'll be thrilled. Nothing sucks worse than when guys abandon their teams. Ruins the whole league, I think. We've never had that problem, either.
The short of it is that you and I may be the only two guys in the pass, brother.

I do have 6 guy's phone numbers, 5 of those wanted to be involved in the pass. So it's doable, but that's an awful small amount of guys for a pass.
Personally, I'm on the fence about the pass. I'm happy if we do it and perfectly happy if we don't, so I'm not going to press about it. It's ready to go when guys are ready, and I think guys will get excited about the pass once the weather starts getting crappy.