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Old 09-06-2014, 05:25 PM   #1
Have My Own Room
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Default The Ortega Project Blend #3

Ok, time for the third cigar. This one is a robusto, 5x50. It has a nice smooth light brown, maybe habano wrapper with a straight tobacco smell with a tingle of spiciness and a bit of sweetness to the nose.

The cigar lit easily with a nice free draw and copious amounts of smoke. Flavor is much different than the first two blends, much more of a woody character to it.

The cigar smoked beautifully all the way down. Ash held well and burn line was even. The flavors pretty much stayed the same throughout though picking up in intensity and adding a pleasant bit of pepper. The cigar started off a medium in body and strength and picked up a bit toward the end.

I enjoyed this cigar a lot but the flavor profile wasn't to my liking as much as the first two. So far I rank them pretty much in order. #1, then #2, and then #3 so far. Still have two more to go.

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