I am a Nikon person, but I have been known to buy almost anything that makes an image electronically
and I can buy for a low enough price. I bought my nephew an Olympus E-330 which is a pretty old,
low-spec'ed model from the early 2000s. I wanted to upgrade him to something at least twice as capable
in low light. I picked up a cheap Olympus E-510, which niftily includes in-body image stabilization as an
even larger upgrade to his lower light capabilities. And you'd be pleasantly surprised at the image quality
out of ANY Olympus digital SLR. They create a very pleasing image. blablabla.
Out of the corner of my mind crept a thought. I spotted a Nikkor P 50mm f/1.4 lens for $33 that was pre-AI and
I can't use it on any of my good bodies. Although I do have a D40 that it will not damage in mounting.
But I picked up an adapter ring to mount any Nikkor F-mount lens to a Olympus Four Thirds body. Not Micro,
but the original 4/3 spec. This combination of upgraded model, in body IS, and this blazing fast lens is
really an upgrade! I got carried away in my morning walk in pushing the depth of field to ridiculous limits, but
it was still a little overcast and I got away with f/1.4. Its dreamy there, but the separation is good and
for portraits I am sure it is dazzling. I did not try to stop it down much on this trip because there were
flowers about, but I am sure it is biting. Anyway, blablabla, here will be a series of pics from that walk.