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Old 08-28-2014, 11:35 AM   #3965
Suck It
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Default Re: Photography Thread

I think I out-thunk myself, which ain't hard given my capacity. I bought my nephew a 75 dollar Olympus E-330 a few years back,
not the least bit capable for the kind of shooting that I DO, but for him, it suits his needs and his college kid need to be different.
Or hip, or to go against the grain. But the lenses for it are fairly slow, and so I bought a Nippon Kogaku 50mm f/1.4 Nikkor S lens.
I then picked up an adapter ring for it to mount to his Olympus. But in the end, I might have been thinking a little too Nikon.

The Olympus DSLRs are created to a "Four Thirds" system spec, a small sensor even compared to a APS-C sensor.
So while on a Nikon, it would throw a massive circle of light onto the sensor in Full frame, and a little spillover on a crop
sensor, on a 4/3 spec sensor, there is going to be fully half of that big glass light hitting interior parts and NOT the sensor.
I imagine it will perform better in low light than the 4/3 system lenses, and NEVER, EVER vignette, lol, but I don't think I turned
him into a cavern shooter in one fell swoop or anything. But he will enjoy the precision, the bokeh, the reduced DOF zone,
and whatever other benefits he gets. And it was free to him, so if he complains, I'll smack him.
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