Thread: New TV Needed
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Old 08-24-2014, 09:31 AM   #5
The Poet
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Default Re: New TV Needed

As I understand it, the improvement with 4K is at present limited due to a lack of 4K content. Consider it like buying a BluRay player when there was very little offered on BluRay discs. This should of course change over time, which may be quick (within a year or three}, but at present you won't see any huge difference because there won't be much 4K out there to take advantage of that sharper resolution.

This of course does not mean that over your foreseen 10-year "lifetime" of the set you will not see a vast amount of 4K become available, and I fully expect you shall. However, keep in mind that your initial impressions might be disappointing, not due to the TV itself but due to the lack of "software" available which can take advantage of the upgrade.
Ninety percent of everything is crap - Theodore Sturgeon.
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