Originally Posted by nutcracker
That's why it's just a phobia. You know it's not logical, right? I for one can't climb a ladder because I'm terrified of heights.
Of course it's nice of Micheal to remind you of St Bartholomew, who I understand was flayed alive. Nice Mamba, that's bound to calm the man!

He is going to the Seminary at my alma mater, studying to be a pastor. He's a little rough around the edges yet, needs to work on his bedside (pastoral visitation) manner.
I knew what he meant, that St. Bartholomew trusted God and was brought through his ordeal and now enjoys eternity in heaven, so it is all good no matter what happens - and if God can give him the strength in that trial, then my itty bitty ole neck surgery ain't nuttin'.
At least that is what I think he was trying to say.
Otherwise, he was just
Peace of the Lord be with you.