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Old 08-12-2014, 12:22 PM   #818
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Default Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics

Thanks Jeff. Riley's mom was a fawn and his dad was a brindle. I knew Riley's mom from fishing with her "dad". She was probably the calmest boxer I have ever seen. My buddy bred her with a sire (winner of some shows) from the kennel that she came from, so we knew we were getting a great dog. We met Riley the day he first opened his eyes, and yes, who could resist!



and the little man (back when he was LITTLE)

NOT so little these days...

He is definitely my buddy. I hope you have as great of a relationship with her as we have with Riley! Just remember Boxers take a LOT of time. You have to exercise their mind as well as their body. A bored boxer is a scary thing. Left to their own, they WILL find a way to entertain themselves, like chewing through a wall or eating a couch. I have heard a lot of horror stories of boxers that were left alone all day and then ignored when the family got home from work. Riley usually gets at least a couple of miles a night. It actually works out pretty well; he gets to check the neighborhood pee-mail, and I get to smoke a cigar

Enjoy the ride and I look forward to seeing more "family" pictures.

...So don't sit upon the shoreline and say you're satisfied,
Choose to chance the rapids and dare to dance that tide
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