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Old 07-24-2014, 08:33 AM   #29
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Default Re: Gas Grill Recommendations

Originally Posted by blugill View Post
If you're going to drop some coin on a big nice grill that you don't want to replace then I'd go with a BGE. It's a great cooker and it'll last forever. But it can be overkill if you just want to cook one burger.
If you want to convenience of gas in a charcoal flavor then get the Weber Performer with the gas start ignition. Also with a charcoal storage bin that stays dry in a complete monsoon.
Oh, and check out the BBQ Pit Boys on You Tube and see everything you mentioned cooked on charcoal.

Check the prices of propane too, on a big multi burner grill you'll use a lot of gas on a four hour cook. A bag of lump charcoal in a BGE will last an entire 18 hour smoke if you cook anything that long.
Having been using charcoal in my old gas RED grill to extend its usable life until I arrive at a solution, and also having used charcoal-only grills in the past, I can tell you that there is zero chance I'd want a charcoal grill. Also, because I frequently cook only one burger or a couple dogs or sausages, charcoal is a complete inconvenience for my needs. But everyone likes something different, I suppose.

Last edited by Hammerhead; 07-24-2014 at 08:48 AM.
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