Re: Lebron back to Cleveland....
I have no specific ire for LeBron other than "The Decision" and the rally they did in Miami announcing how they were going to win 6-7 championships before they even played a single game.
My issue is the NBA has become obsessed with promoting the next big prima donna. They've bastardized my favorite team game and turned it into glorifiying the individual. The best TEAM in the league just dispatched LeBron and his dueling sidekicks in 5 games. It was ugly because a TEAM beat them badly by playing TEAM basketball. I hope the Cavs never win a title. Not because I hate LeBron or Cleveland but because I hate what he represents to me. Selling out the entire league to promote individuals rather than teams is why you have the ticky tack phantom fouls, endless parades to the free throw line, nonestop isolation plays with two guys playing 1 on 1 and 8 other standing around; I hate it. College basketball is so vastly superior to watch. Sure they aren't as athletic but at least they play all out, share the ball, and they know what defense is.
“Eating and sleeping are the only activities that should be allowed to interrupt a man's enjoyment of his cigar;” Mark Twain