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Old 07-08-2014, 04:36 PM   #11
Suck It
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Default Re: Buying used humidors?

I think that this question misses a very important point that seems simple to me. You are a part of the world's finest cigar
board. All you have to do is post a thread in WTB or surf the WTS (want to sell) threads for a humidor. I doubt anyone
on this board would try to sell you a bad humidor, most would convert it to a document box or something instead. I have
several humidors on hand that I would sell, although I never thought of it much owing to the cost of shipping large items.
And I do not mean to seem snarky or anything, just trying to emphasize what everyone here learns soon enough; that you
have a wonderful resource here, and it would be smart to use it as often as you can. I had two gray ink cartridges for my
Canon printer that I bought in a moment of doofus. I just put up a thread offering to send them free to anyone who could
use them and they were gone in days. This forum is woefully slow in a lot of areas, but not because the people here are not
top notch. Stuff that happens elsewhere is effectively stopped here. There's a reason they call it the Asylum. Its a safe haven.
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